Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wine Tastings & Networking Groups

Just as birds of a feather do, wine lovers tend to flock together. We form clusters at parties where the conversation naturally migrates to comments about the wine served, tales of great tastings attended, favorite bottle openers, and our favorite BYOB restaurants. We even strike up conversations in the wine aisles at grocery stores!

I am amazed by the growing number of networking groups that are being formed for the sole purpose of gathering to appreciate wine with like-minded people. As the trend grows to entertain in the home and also to incorporate wine into business networking events, we are realizing that appreciating fine wine is an amazing catalyst to camaraderie!

I've joined a local business networking group for women, Networking Women and Wine. What great fun to gather together monthly at a local restaurant or wine bar to enjoy wine and find ways to support each other's business! Thursday I am going to lead a tasting (and pair the wines with my signature hors d'oeuvres) for a meeting of the group Women Who Wine. (Isn't that just a great name?) This group meets in private homes. I cannot wait to meet these sisters-in-the-vine and once again expand my social circle of wine enthusiasts.

Where ever you live, check your area for groups of wine enthusiasts, make new friends, enjoy some great wine together, have fun! If you are in my area, I'll help you hold a great tasting in your own home. Contact me through my website and let's plan your party!

Here's to the corkscrew - a useful key to unlock the storehouse of wit, the treasury of laughter, the front door of fellowship, and the gate of pleasant folly. ~W.E.P. French

Chef Debbie